Veronica Carranza
Hello everyone, my name is Veronica, and I am the owner of My Escuela Bilingual Preschool. I studied advertisement and have a masters in Marketing. Two years after graduating and working in the marketing field, I decided to do what I was overly passionate about; be with kids. In the beginning, I didn’t know what route to take, but I did know that I wanted to share with them. Share memories, experiences, love, and knowledge. I decided to go back to school to study Early Childhood Education. I started with summer camps and workshops in my home country for kids in pre-k to kindergarten, which allowed my imagination to fly and allowed me to make different kid’s dreams into reality. A few years passed by and I came to the United States of America, where I doubled down on what I wanted to do; involve myself more in childhood. I opened a daycare and it deeply helped me to understand them more and live more beautiful memories. I learned how to communicate with them and analyze their evolution and development. During these years, I took many courses having to do with different fields in childhood, which helped me a lot. All this experience led me to understand that the best manner to reach children is to combine education, respect, creativity, and love. This has helped me go hand-in-hand and always possess good relationships with them. They know I am Vero and I can truly say that I have had a special relationship with every kid that has passed through My Escuela. I owe this to my consistent affection that has transformed not into a job, but rather into a passion that has helped me create, play, and enjoy with them for more than 20 years.
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